strong families = thriving communities
The Open Door
Mayville Open Door Inc, aka The Open Door Coffeehouse, is a non-profit coffeehouse in Mayville, Wisconsin, providing mentoring programs to the community. With a vision to foster thriving communities and a mission to provide prevention, intervention, and restoration for individuals and families through mentoring and partnerships, we are making an amazing impact in rural Wisconsin and the greater Milwaukee area.
Parenting Education is a priority at Mayville Open Door Inc:
“Triple P is an evidence-based parenting education program that teaches families how to spend less time battling misbehavior and more time building close relationships with their children.”
“Participating parents and caregivers develop skills to manage stress and encourage healthy habits, which create more positive days for their families and a brighter future for their children.”
“Amber Schraufnagel with Mayville Open Door, has taken an innovative approach to delivering Triple P. She designed a 9-month journey for the Moms Unite Group, a cohort of moms who gather monthly at the Open Door Coffeehouse to learn about and discuss Triple P strategies as a group. The moms also have the opportunity to meet with Amber to get one-on-one parenting support based on their family’s unique needs.” quotes from The Greater Watertown Community Health Foundation.
Parents who have participated in Triple P education are experiencing positive changes in their families. Click below to get more information on our parent education programs!
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Phase 1
Phase 3
The Future of Open Door
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